quarta-feira, fevereiro 05, 2003

O Flávio. Sempre ele! Através dele, eu "conheci" uma menina de 19 anos que mora na Alemanha e que deu um show num forum do ICQ e que deu mais um show numa conversa comigo pelo ICQ.
Vou colocar partes da nossa conversa aqui:
< ~Lotus~ > Hey, and I am happy that with you I`ve found one more supporter against this perverse War and against this agressive US administration...
On 15th of February there will be demonstrations in every European capital and also in many other major cities - If you have the possibility to be there - take your friends and family, and shout out what you want to say!
Ahh I see, you`re from Brasil, well then it would be quite a far way to Europe ;)
But surely there are also demonstrations in your country, aren`t there?
< Iza > How about Germany goverment? I know that France keep saying that will not approve this war.
< ~Lotus~ > Germany and France still stand straight against this war. Yet I fear when the German and the French people don`t obtain the pressure, our governments will also... well.. soon be at least neutral in this matter..
< ~Lotus~ > America (depois eu consertei e falei pra ela que não os chamasse de América, mas de Estados Unidos só) has much money and when they have won this war, they will have much more oil. I guess, those states in the east of europe want to have a piece of the cake
< ~Lotus~ > Well, there are many people against this war. The problem is too many people do not STAND UP.
< ~Lotus~ >In the capitals of Europe there are planned big demonstrations on the 15th of february. Berlin, Paris, Dublin.. and so on.
< ~Lotus~ >I hope people will show what they think about this war and about this agressive US Administration
< ~Lotus~ >the most horrible fact to me is that the US have more weapons and more military forces than any other country in the world. They have Weapons of Mass Destruction. Tey have nuclear bombs, they have a huge program for biological Weapons. And they will not stop.
< ~Lotus~ > When they have Iraq and its oil
< ~Lotus~ >How will it go on
< ~Lotus~ >Iran?
< ~Lotus~ > Well, the USA is situated on this big island. They do not know war. Not at all.
< ~Lotus~ >The worst they have experienced in the last hundred years (on their own country) was WTC.
< ~Lotus~ >They do not know destroyed cities and millions of dead citizens.

Enfim, apesar do meu inglês horroroso. Nós conseguimos nos comunicar muito bem. Se alguém quiser a tradução de tudo que está escrito aí acima pegue um dicionário ou me implore por e-mail...hehehe. Eu tive preguiça de traduzir =)
Mas é muito válido tudo o que ela diz. Eu fiquei muito feliz de saber que ainda existem pessoas com esse tipo de cabeça no mundo.

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